Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27, 2009

4 mile run
Stretch & Abs

Oatmeal with dried blue berries
Chocolate/Banana smoothing from Starbucks

Salad with Honey Mustard dressing
97% fat free Cranberry/Orange muffin
Vanilla frozen Yogurt

Teddy Grahams

Apples and Peanut Butter (ok...not great but I had been craving it all day!)

2 glasses of water (always need to work on this!)
Cran-Grape juice
Strawberry lemonade

3 Goals for tomorrow:
  1. Walk 3 miles with women's walking group
  2. Weight training at the gym (Chest & Triceps)
  3. Drink more water
Lisa's Thoughts:
I did the best Ab routine today -

Position: Laying on your back with your arms above your head (easiest if you have something stable to hold on to)

Repetition: 3 sets of 15-20

Rest between sets: 30 Sec

  • Straight leg lifts
  • (immediately followed by:) Bent knee lifts to chest crunching your abs
  • (Immediately followed by:) Pulse ups - Legs straight in the air, using your lower abs pulse you legs to the ceiling.

***That equals 1 set - repeat 3 times with 30 seconds of rest in between sets.